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How to get a great night’s Sleep at Christmas

Christmas is on the way and so too are the late nights. Copious amounts of wine and spirits will be drunk and lots of food eaten late at night which will cause havoc with your sleep.

This time of the year can be very stressfully on people, who want what’s for Christmas, whose cooking dinner and which parties to go to.

The list is endless.
Its very important to relax and destress over this holiday period.
Here are a few simple steps to follow to ensure you get a better night’s sleep.

  1. Try to keep when possible regular hours. It can be hard with Santa on his way. But going to sleep and rising at the same times will programme you to sleep better.
  2. Don’t compensate for lack of sleep by going drinking too much coffee or tea to try and stay awake, especially in the evening. These will interfere with your sleep making it harder for you when its time. Try drinking a hot milky drink or some herbal tea instead.
  3. Ear plugs are handy especially if your partner snores, this will only get worse after a few drinks.
  4. Too much food and alcohol late at night can play havoc with your sleep patterns. Alcohol can help you fall asleep but will interrupt your sleep later in the night.
  5. Exercises regular, this can help relive the days stresses and strains but not too close to bed time as your body temperature can raise making it harder for you to fall asleep.

Last but not least if there are any arguments, solve them before bedtime. On-going conflict can be unsettling while trying to sleep.

Have a great Christmas and New Year from The Sleep Shop.

Our Sale Starts the 27th of December at 12 am

By David O shea


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